There's plenty of room for your biggest ideas.
The vast interior of the Jackman-Long Building is the perfect setting for consumer events that require a ton of square footage, clear-span flexibility, vertical clearance, meeting space, and configuration options. It’s where big ideas become big successes.
The Jackman-Long is ideal for events such as trade shows, home improvement shows, boat shows, RV shows, holiday shows, concerts, Quinceañeras and other large-scale exhibitions that are likely to draw big crowds.

Tour The Jackman-Long Building
Floor Plan
Dimensions: Main Hall: 50′x320′ / Meeting Area: 44′x117′
Square Footage: Main Hall: 48,000 / Meeting Area: 5,148
Meeting Capacity: 3,466
Dining Capacity: 3,000
Floor: Main Hall: Concrete / Meeting Area: Carpet
Heat & A/C: Yes
Electrical: 120/208v
Lighting: Metal Halide
Features: Additional Space for Exhibits, Meetings or Banquets; Ticket Office/Show Office; 20’ x 20’ Load-in Doors, Internet (Wi-Fi), PA System
Rental Pricing
Entire Building: $3,000
Meeting Area: $500 weekday, $800 weekend